Canteen Management

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Canteen Management Software System

In Need of Canteen Management Solution?

“The 1990’s customer expects service to be characterized by fast and effective computer-based systems.”- Steve Cuthbert With the advent of technology, offices, factories, schools, hospitals, etc. prefer operating their own cafeterias for their staff and students. However, it’s a difficult task to manage everything right from the cafeteria menu, attendance to consumption. There’s no room for manual and paper-based processes today. These processes may be prone to error resulting in inaccuracies and wastage of both time and material. Here an effective biometric canteen management system can come to your rescue. 3equals serve you with the best canteen management software and solution that allows you to track item-wise food consumption. Menus can be planned from breakfast, lunch to dinner on a broad spectrum. The software also avails post-paid and pre-paid accounting alternatives to users that will devise a cashless cafeteria process.

Features of the canteen management system:

  • Cash collection
  • Meal order
  • A streamlined billing process


Benefits of a canteen management system:

  • Facilitates advanced planning and strategizing
  • Minimizes administrative tasks
  • Help track cafeteria usage reports
  • Help save time and enhance employee efficiency
  • Taper food wastage
  • Deliver a quick and effective service
  • Mushrooms customer satisfaction
  • Manages subsidies delivered by the organizations to their employees
  • Overtime limit alerts
  • Cashless and paperless transactions
  • Easy accounting between the firm and the canteen managers

We at 3equals aim at delivering a hassle-free dining experience. The system simplifies canteen management operations indexing a solution that can be easily installed, exercised and maintained. Any information with respect to employees, vendors, products, departments are perfectly dealt with for better understanding and analysis.  The POS (Point of Sale) module is user-friendly and is a novel approach to manage a canteen. Even a layman can be trained to use the system effectively. 

We put in extra effort to overcome all the shortcomings and strive to better use of viable technology. Plus, we use designs that can easily penetrate through future technological advancements to satisfy our esteemed clients. We assure you that our automated solutions and systems will resolve all your issues and requirements in one go. 

Go cashless and paperless with 3equals canteen management solutions!

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